
The Journey from Gjirokastra will take up to 35 min.

Take the eastern road at the roundabout in lower Gjirokastra, where is the bus station. After the bridge take the first turn on the right and follow the paved road. After two villages you will reach the hill of Jerma, where the ancient city is situated. The site nowadays is part of the Archeological Park Antigonea – Adrianopolis.

 The city of Antigonea flourished from the 4th – 2nd centuries BC. It was founded during the lifetime of King Pyrrhus (319-272 BC), and named after his wife Antigone, who was the stepdaughter of King Ptolemy of Egypt.

Built on a flat hilltop, the city follows a classical town plan: it had defensive walls, an acropolis (a citadel), an agora (the centre of trade and social life) and a regular grid of streets.

Antigone was allied to the Kingdom of Macedonia in its wars against the Romans. Following the defeat of King Philip V of Macedonia in 168 BC, the Roman Consul, Aemilius Paullus, ordered the destruction of the city. The Romans burned the buildings, demolished the walls and sold the inhabitants into slavery. Modern excavations have found a thick layer of ash all over the city – evidence of the violence of the destruction.

The site is open in the nature, but entrance fee is 200 leke for official hours (09.00-16.00). If the ticket staff does not appear, you can continue with the visit.